Since the time immemorial, several small film producers have been alleging that the Telugu film industry has been encroached by the infamous four producers, who got the entire theatres shared between them. The protestors keep alleging that these top producers block theatres for their films on lease and small films find no screens for a release.

Joining the list of protestors who raised their voices now is Kodandaram, the Chairman of Telangana Political JAC and OU Professor. This morning, Kodandaram, along with the JAC members, met the Minister of Home and Cinematography, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, and requested him to revive the cinema in Telangana and protect the small filmmakers from the 'Powerful 4'. The professor demanded that monopoly should be abandoned and that the small-time producers must be given equal

Also alleging that the tax system in film industry is full of discrepancies, Kodandarm requested the minister to abolish the existing slab system and collect tax for the number of tickets sold. Kodandaram also requested the minister to validate the Telangana Film Chamber and requested him to offer subsidies to the film companies from the region. 

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