Release date : May 22, 2015

Mana Teangana Telugu Movies Rating : 3.5/5

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Apoorva(Nandu) is a young corporate employee who falls in love with Shreya(Anaika Soti). The couple get closer to each other and soon their love leads to their happy wedding. After a few days of their blissful marriage, the couple get into a huge fight and misunderstandings start creeping up in their relationship.
Things get so ugly that they stop believing in the concept of marriage any more. Rest of the story showcases as to what actually lead to those problems and how do they end up solving them.

Plus Points:-

One of the biggest selling point of the film is the concept chosen by RGV. The audience will be keenly interested to know as to how RGV, who is always associated with hard hitting films, has dealt with a family entertainer.
One of the major highlights of the film is Posani Krishna Murali. He entertains us quite decently with his cameo and brings a lot of relief to the film. Nandu has done a honest job with his performance. The way he has portrayed varied emotions in his character is quite endearing to watch.
Anaika Soti oozes glamour and provides eye candy for the film. First half of the some film is crisp and has some elements which will be liked by today’s youngsters.

Minus Points:-

Story of the film is quite simple and has nothing much to offer. One of the biggest drawbacks of the film is the narration. RGV’s execution lacks clarity and has no depth in the emotions. The pain and grief which is caused by these misunderstandings have not been showcased properly.
Second half of the film is the biggest drawback and has no weight in the proceedings. The film is dragged to the core and gets boring after a point. Neither the narration nor the scenes manage to entertain the audience. Even though Varma tries hard to salvage things, the film starts going downward slide. After a point, Varma only tries to showcase the problems between the married couples which goes a bit overboard.Emotional bonding between the couple has not been showcased at all. Songs are a huge hindrance and disturb the flow of the film big time.

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